Adapted from Lazyman’s tek on the DMT-nexus
For those of you that don’t like the look of all those steps, and just want to get your DMT out of your plant as quickly as possible (without worrying about purity or yield), here’s a simpler protocol: how to make dmt crystals
DMT-containing plant such as Mimosa hostilis root bark
Lye (granulated sodium hydroxide)
Vinegar (for safely cleaning up Lye spills)
Naphtha VM&P (if unavailable, 40-60 Petroleum Ether can be used)
Personal safety: safety goggles and rubber gloves
Large ceramic mixing bowl (5L)
Potato masher
Large measuring jug (2L)
Large glass baking dish
how to make dmt crystals
Break up 400-500g of Mimosa hostilis root bark and put it in a mixing bowl. Make sure the bark only fills half the bowl.
Slowly add 200g of lye to 2-3L of water. NOTE: lye can cause chemical burns and should be treated with care. Neutralise any spills with vinegar. Wear gloves and safety glasses.
Add your lye solution into the mixing bowl with the root bark. Wait an hour.
Use your potato masher to stir and mash up your root bark for 20-30 minutes.
Pour 250ml of naphtha into the bowl and mix for another 20-30 minutes.
Let the solvent separate out to the top of the mixture for a few minutes.
Pour the top, clear solvent layer off into your glass baking dish. Avoid getting any of the lower, dark layer in the dish.
Evaporate the solvent by blowing air from your fan across the baking dish.
The remaining powder is your smokeable DMT.
How do I know the purity of my extracted DMT?
All you have to worry about when you make your own DMT is how efficient you’ve been in following the instructions. If you’ve used poor quality ingredients, or done a messy job (i.e. carried over some of the base solution by accident), you may end up with more impurities in your DMT powder. This can be unpleasant to smoke.
There’s a myth that the colour of DMT powder tells you its purity – this isn’t true, as there are a number of factors that contribute to the colour of DMT powder. Generally, if your powder is white, yellow, red or brown, it is safe to smoke. If it is green or blue, something has gone wrong in your extraction and you should try again.
Alternative extraction guides
As mentioned earlier, many extraction protocols use an acid/base extraction method, which we haven’t covered here as the straight-to-base method is a lot simpler. However, if you are interested in being extremely thorough and want to try an acid/base extraction, there is a large selection of guides here on the DMT-nexus. how to make dmt crystals
Safety information
DMT is illegal in most places. I don’t condone breaking the law or using DMT outside a legal and traditional context. If you do decide to take DMT, make sure you research its effects and risks.
DMT is a very powerful psychedelic and should be treated with respect. You should understand how best to prepare for a psychedelic experience, and integrate it afterwards.
Be aware of your dosage! A recommended first-time dose of smoked DMT powder is 15mg.
When following these extraction guides, make sure to understand the process before you start. If you are using a DMT-containing plant other than Mimosa hostilis, make sure you are aware of the differences and adjust your procedure accordingly. Always wear rubber gloves and safety goggles, and a dust mask if you are grinding up plant matter.
If using lye (sodium hydroxide), avoid getting it on your skin, and always wear safety goggles, and if you get it on your skin, wash it off with copious amounts of water (and ideally use vinegar too, if it’s within reach, to neutralise the lye). Incase you get it in your eye, run your eye under tap water for at least 20 minutes and see a doctor. If you spill a large amount, neutralise it with vinegar before cleaning it up. When adding lye to water, add it slowly and mix well.
how to make dmt crystals