150 $250 $

BUY LSD TABS,Other names for it include 1-propionyl-LSD and 1-propionyl-lysergic acid diethylamide. 1P-LSD is LSD’s 1-propionyl form.

There are many 1P-LSD blotters for sale.
1p-LSD is short for 1. Aspartate Diethylamide, also known as lysergamide, is a euphoric and hallucinogenic drug.

Surprisingly, its structure is a lot like that of LSD and ALD 52, which means it probably has the same effects. Due to the limited research on this chemical, our understanding of its pharmacology primarily stems from its structure and its similar effects to other lysergamides.1-propionyl-LSD,  BUY LSD TABS Improved mental state right now
Speeding up of thought
Enhancement of novelty
Improvements to immersion
Time dilation Death of the ego
Being aware
Loops of thought
I am experiencing extremes that are dependent on each other
I’m thinking about ideas.
Create your own sensation.
Being awake
Making people more creative
Even though disarray
Betterment of the spirit
Increasing your own bias
Effects on the ears
Chemistry with 1P-LSD
Because of the structure of its molecules, it belongs to the lysergamide family. The propionyl group that attaches to the nitrogen of the polycyclic indole group gives it its name, which is similar to LSD. A carbonyl chain connects them to an amino group. The bicyclic hexahydro indole and its quinolone bicyclic group form the polycyclic group in 1p-LSD. Quinoline binds to the n-diethyl carboxamide at carbon 9.

Even though higher amounts of LSD may lead to tolerance, the drug doesn’t seem to be addicting. It’s possible to have adverse mental responses, like anxiety, paranoia, and delusions. This is known as hallucinogen persisting perception disease, and it can cause upsetting flashbacks even after stopping use. Death from LSD is very rare, but it does happen sometimes in crashes. People think that LSD’s effects happen because it changes the serotonin system. It only takes 20 micrograms to have an effect. When pure, LSD has a diamond-like shape, is clear or white, and emits a strong odor. UV light breaks it down. An LSD (also called “acid”) drug can make you feel like you’re in a dream. Effects often include changes in how someone thinks, feels, and is aware of their surroundings. A lot of people see or hear things that aren’t there. It is normal to have dilated eyes, higher blood pressure, and a higher body temperature. It usually starts to work in 30 minutes and can last up to 12 hours. It is used primarily for fun and spiritual reasons.


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